Handwritten Letter Society

Fountain Pen

Thank you for your interest in our Handwritten Letter Society. Here we wish to preserve the dying art of handwritten letters. Receiving a letter or card in the mail is a special feeling. It keeps us connected on a more intimate level than just sending an email. Our hope is that the art of letter writing will endure for many generations to come.

In addition to encouraging you to write to your friends and family members, we also want to establish a pen pal system within our society. Those who are interested will need to subscribe to the following ideals:

  • Value the art of handwritten letters

  • Put the fun back into communicating via snail mail

  • Appreciate the beauty of different handwriting styles

  • Feel a sense of pride in connecting with others

  • Inspire and encourage others to embrace writing letters

Our hope is that you will look forward to going to your mailbox, making connections, stealing away to a quiet spot to read and write your letters, and preserving this precious dying art.

If you would like to join our Society, it costs you nothing. But it could mean everything to someone else.

Click here to send us a message that you would like to join.

We will match you with someone else in the Society and put you in touch with your new pen pal!

Image Courtesy of Kirsty TG, Unsplash

Image Courtesy of Kirsty TG, Unsplash